Tuesday, May 20, 2014

We love Amy! Happy B-Day - Laura & co


  1. You guys are so cute. Amy's going to be glad some Michael Jackson got in here!!!

  2. is it just me or is Laura a terrific dancer? I think we definitely need to have some dancing time in Ojai! Love this...makes me wish I had daughters so I could enjoy something with them like this! xoxo

  3. Laura Galloway: You three area all so BADass yourselves. You get the award for getting almost-adult kids to rock with you. You might be the best dancer in all the videos. Your moves at :51 make me want to roll out of bed and waddle on to the dance floor. I love that I got to meet one of your daughters this year. You are such an inspiring mom showing how fun being a mom to hard core, tough, fun, moms can be. I miss Keith. Loved the laundry in the background too. Can't wait to see you in a few weeks! Thank you so much Laura. (PS, Blair's comments are so funny. We all agree, Laura is an amazing dancer and yes, we need a dance session at Ojai and everywhere else in our lives.)

  4. Hilarious & so fun! I agree -- Laura is an awesome dancer!
