Sunday, May 25, 2014

Happy Birthday. Love, Jenny



This was done in one take just before setting up for Eric's party. I wish I would've looked at the camera more but my friend Kristin was following my every move (that I was trying to remember from the Soul Train youtube clip of the Emotions) and her husband Dave was filming on my iphone -- both of them were cracking me up. I was so out of breath trying to dance and sing those high notes. I begged Eric for a cameo and he jumped in for a few lines. Hope it makes you happy. 


Happy Birthday, Aunt Amy. Love, Lucy

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

We love Amy! Happy B-Day - Laura & co

with love, from Andrea

Only A Preview... Best of My Love

Amy, I'll try to convince the crowd at my party on Saturday to do this with me. Imagine I'm the tall one on the left singing my heart out.

In the meantime, Happy 41st. Enjoy the black magpies and the open spaces and keep writing your heart out.
Love you.

Happy birthday! Love Julie & family

Julie - Part 2

Julie - Part 1


Happy Birthday, Amy. Love Jenny Gallo

Happy birthday Amy Lovejoy.

You are a force of nature! You are beautiful and wise and loud and full of joy and fun and strong and an inspiration in so many ways to so many people. I am proud to call you my friend. I am in awe of who you are. This world would be less sparkly without your vivacious presence.

Because of you I'm sitting in my car on the side of the road talking into my phone having just joined a blog to celebrate your life. Babe... you got impact!

Seriously, when I think of you I think of your impact on the world and how positive it has been.

I celebrate your birth my dear!


Happy Birthday from Bogota!

Sending our love from Bosnia. Happy Birthday, Amy!

Happy Birthday, Amy! From Julianna and Co.

Happy Birthday, Amy/Mama. Love, Kelly, Santi and Mary.


Sullivan-Schneiders and Co.


Dear Amy,
Soon after we moved back to the U.S. from Bosnia, a few of my women friends initiated a group of us to sing together for some event.  We enjoyed it so much we did it again.  And added some more women friends.  And soon, we had a group of 12 women that gathered in each others' living rooms every week for the next eight years.  We sang, we talked and we performed many, many times.  We sang each other through life transitions:  the birth of our children, death of our parents/siblings, marriage, divorce, empty nest, infertility, graduations, new jobs, sickness, etc. 
During those years, both of my children were born.  They were surrounded by the voices of women from their days in the womb to the many evenings of being passed around the circle while we sang. The night before the birth of my second child, we performed this song in a local bookstore in honor of the upcoming birth. Though I was convinced I was having another boy, much to my surprise, Mabel Virginia was born.  We played this song over and over to welcome her into the world.  A few months later, the women of Full Circle sang this song again at our church as we dedicated ourselves to nurturing her in body and spirit.
And now I share it with you as you welcome your little Queen of the Earth, Child of the Stars.
Queen Of The Earth, Child Of The Stars Leela Grace  
On the night that you were born, I looked out the window to the sky
And the brilliant stars sang to me as you uttered your first cry
I looked down into your face and saw stars shining in your eyes
My small queen of the earth, child of the stars  
I held you in my arms and sang you to sleep
And your face shone so bright, I could not but with joy weep
I knew with every passing hour my love for you would grow more deep
My small queen of the earth, child of the stars
As you opened your wide eyes and held my gaze with your own
I could see, with aching joy, you dancing from me when you’re grown
But wherever you go, my darling, know you’ll never be alone
My small queen of the earth, child of the stars
(© 1998 Leela Grace, BMI)
Much love to you,

