Tuesday, May 20, 2014



  1. This is an adorable family effort! Love the choreography.

  2. p.s. Lila was mesmerized by this one and wants to keep on watching it.

  3. You all have got the moves! Fabulous.

  4. Love seeing the family in action! Not only is your belly small and cute you can still move those hips impressively well.
    Love you!

  5. Next, I watched Jenn’s. There is something spectacular when it is a whole family event. I relished each choreographed move and loved the pop-ins by the videographer, Marc. I wondered if he was behind the camera showing the girls the moves as the song progressed. Jenn seemed so in her element and I wished her family would make 1000 more, one each week for the rest of their lives. Thank you soooooo much Jenn for all of your work and bravery to make this project happen. I know exactly how much it takes i just wish I could have been on both sides with you pulling it off and receiving the surprise. My guess is we have a few more projects up our sleeves.

  6. Love this! So Jenn!! Congratulations - I'm thrilled about your belly - you will be a great mom...lucky baby. Keep dancing!!!!
