Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Anna KWL and family


  1. Okay, I think Kanoa might well be the break-out star of this entire video project. And I love how you can bring down the house while still balancing a toddler on your hip when necessary, Anna. Adorable, all of you!

  2. Kanoa! Love how freely and expressively she dances! I also love every time I can hear your voice, Anna. Very fun!

  3. Babes, I wish I could get my kids on board to do something like this! Can Kanoa come live with us? I love her choice of outfit for this!!! And we need to forget strapless dresses at this stage of our life....too many malfunction opportunities! You look great though!!! :) xoxo

  4. thanks everyone. kanoa was totally on board. i didn't tell her to do anything - she just did it. hilarious. and curti- its a skirt that i pulled up to become an outfit with a jog bra. disgraceful i know. its all i had from this motown time period.

  5. Anna Lee, great choice of song, it is one of my strongest contenders. I have watched your video about three times, including now once without sound. It is so funny, I like to focus on each person and watch their moves—like when Odin starts out front and center and walks to the back with his arms stretched out (BTW, I love his hair), I watched once following just Teo and his dog, loved when he threw it in the air. Sometimes I took in all wonderful four of you, jamming, getting down, making memories. I hope you send this to everyone you know, it is such an immediate pick-me-up to see you getting down. There is no one more fun to go dancing with than you. As for Kanoa, she is a star and has many many more videos in her future. Love you and thank you for rallying. (As for the outfits, they were spectacular and totally motown!)

  6. I love you, Anna! Adorable!!! Hilarious. xoxo
